September 2023: We are grateful to the NIAAA for funding our R01 project “Prefrontal cortical microcircuit mechanisms for reciprocal interactions between arousal and ethanol consumption”

September 2021: We are excited to announce that the Huda Lab received the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation NARSAD Young Investigator award for the project “Prefrontal cortical mechanisms of aberrant interoceptive processing during ethanol consumption.”

August 2021: We are excited to announce that the Huda Lab received the American Parkinson's Disease Association Research Grant for the project "Harnessing astrocyte neuromodulation for alleviating the motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease."

July 2021:  We are excited to announce that the Huda lab received the Parkinson's Foundation Impact Award for the project “Harnessing astrocyte neuromodulation for Parkinson’s disease.” We can't wait to get started!

June 2021:  We are pleased to announce that the Huda lab received the Brain Research Foundation Seed Grant for the project “Conducting the orchestra of movement – functional role of striatal astrocytes in health and disease.”

April 2020: The Huda Laboratory research is supported by an R00 award from The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).